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Home > Work Life Balance84% of Hong Kongers are unhappy at work

84% of Hong Kongers are unhappy at work

84 per cent of Hong Kongers are unhappy at work

Employees in Hong Kong aren’t feeling the love from their current jobs. According to an online poll conducted by Monster.com, a whopping 84% of respondents answered the question, “Are you thinking about a new job in 2017?” with a resounding, “yes”.

What’s even more saddening is that just 5% stated they are happy at work and are planning to stay put, while 11% are floating about in the “not sure” region. Overall, it doesn’t bode well for the general satisfaction of local employees this year.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. While these poll results reflect a rather dire situation, the good news is that when local job seekers delve into the job search, they tend to be successful at finding a new role. Specifically, 53% of local job seekers found online job websites to be the most successful way to find a new job.

But to all those workers out there who are finding themselves in the midst of a career crisis, we say don’t worry! It’s perfectly normal to go through bouts of disatisfaction in your job; no one is immune. Even the most senior and experienced professionals have moments of doubt and unhappiness – the difference is what you do about it.

Simply cutting and running is not necessarily going to solve the deep-rooted issues you might have at work. Instead, think about how to focus on what exactly is the cause of your unhappiness. Do you feel underpaid? Are you bored? Do you not get along with your manager? Do you have no friends at work? Is the commute bothering you? Are you struggling with a lack of flexibility to care for your children?

Once you understand the basis of your displeasure, you can begin to address them. Oftentimes, what’s bothering you can be solved by simply raising the issue with your manager, or through HR channels. We know it can be difficult to say what’s really bothering you, but if you go into a discussion with a series of suggested resolutions, upper management is more likely to be receptive. A meeting where you sit and complain is going to get you nowhere – it’s time to get proactive!

Here are a few other things to consider to manage your happiness levels:

Are you just annoyed at a few things, or chronically unhappy in your industry?
Some things are worse than others, and a general dissatisfaction with your job or sector and the type of work you do is very different than just having a bad month. If you’re just in a slump, try to figure out ways to get through it and adopt a positive mindset. If it’s something bigger, then you might need to reassess your career goals.

No job is ever perfect
And you’re kidding yourself if you think you will find the ‘perfect’ job. Even people who have their dream jobs have bad days, and periods of time when things don’t go their way. Everyone has moments where they work too-long hours, argue with colleagues, get frustrated at internal politics, and more – you are not alone. Most of the time, you just need to power through!

Give your whole life – not just your office life – a happy makeover
Sometimes to make yourself happier at work, you need to take a look at the bigger picture. Try taking some positive steps towards making your life more enjoyable. From small things – like mandating a weekly date night with your spouse or partner – to larger things like making good on that New Year’s resolution to finish your Master’s degree. Whatever your happiness goals might be, make a concerted effort to achieve them.

But maybe, it’s time to get a new job
If you’ve considered all the above points and still find yourself struggling to get motivated every day, it could be time for a shift. If this is the case, there’s no reason to let the unhappiness carry on. You have the power to make a change – just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Want more advice like this? Catch up on all our job seeking tips at our Career Centre.

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