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Home > Resume & Cover LettersCover Letter Samples for Software Developer

Cover Letter Samples for Software Developer

  • Why a cover letter is important
  • Cover letter tips for software developers
  • Things to note when emailing your cover letter
  • Cover letter sample for software developers

Are you currently applying to software developer jobs, but finding it difficult to get a good offer? Adding a cover letter for your job application process would make a significant difference in pulling out a response from your prospective employers. Here we provide you with relevant information on how to go about writing a cover letter for a software developer’s job. 


Why a cover letter is important

You may think that your resume is good enough to get you a call back. But so do other applicants. Having a well-written cover letter not only puts you apart, but also lets you give a tiny insight into your personality.

Here are some more reasons why you should have a cover letter: Top Ten Reasons Why You Need a Cover Letter 

Cover letter tips for a software developer’s job application 

1. Start by introducing your interest in the company

Begin by sharing how you came upon the company and the job posting. This instantly adds a personal touch to your cover letter and helps it stand out from the sea of software developer candidates who have applied.

2. Include your most relevant learnings and experiences

If you have won awards and recognitions during your previous experience in the industry, talk about those to tip the scales in your favour. While your resume would have these listed out in bullets, your cover letter allows you to describe your achievements in detail.

3. Try to be company-centric

Talk more about the company than about yourself. Talk about what fascinates you about the job role, how you can add more value to the company and how the company’s vision aligns to yours.

4. End by summarizing your aptness for the role

Conclude your cover letter by reiterating why you are suited for the software developer’s job. You could say how the job role is a perfect fit for your soft skills (list them), achievements and experience in the industry.

5. Add your contact details in the cover letter too

Add your mobile and email contact at the end of your cover letter lets them contact you easily once your cover letter impresses them. 

Things to note when emailing your cover letter

1. Keep the subject line short and to the point

Use the job title and purpose of email in the subject line itself. Example: ‘Application for the Post of Job Title’. Avoid using irregular cases and stick to either sentence case or title case.

2. Make the greeting formal yet personal

Do not address your recipient with either extremes of greetings such as ‘Hey’ (too informal) or ‘To whomsoever it may concern’ (too detached). Use something like ‘Dear (Name)’ or ‘Dear Hiring Manager’.

3. Avoid any grammatical errors or casual language

Absolutely avoid using texting lingo or internet slang in your cover letter. You do not want to come across as a careless or irresponsible candidate. As an added precaution, make someone else proofread your cover letter too.

4. Check for supporting file formats before sending out your cover letter

If your cover letter or resume are saved in a format that is unsupported by the recruiter’s email system, that may be the end of your opportunity. Use commonly supported file formats such as PDF or Word to avoid this mishap.


Cover letter sample for software developer


Dear HR [or more preferably, concerned person’s name],

The opening for software developer at [prospective company] is quite exciting for me, as the company comes across as dynamic with a great potential for growth. I would be thrilled to work as a software developer at [prospective company].

Software development as a field has always interested me and offered me challenging opportunities in the experience I have earned so far, allowing me to develop my own professional and interpersonal skills in the process. My passion for this field began with my internship with [company] where I was a key part of developing and implementing the winning features of their mobile app platform. I would enjoy bringing my learning and skillset to [prospective company].

The position of software developer at [prospective company] is a great match for the [x] years of my work experience, gaining valuable skills at several firms. I am currently employed with [present company], working on the development of a client’s new website platform. By becoming a part of [prospective company], I would be able to get further ahead in my career objectives.

The software developer position at [prospective company] would be a fruitful one to fuel my passion and determination for the field.
Please find attached my completer professional details in the attached resume.

Thank you for your time and I hope to meet you in person soon.

[Your full name]
[Your contact details]

The above cover letter sample for a software developer is a good way to enhance your job application. By mentioning your interest in the job role and your appreciation of the company values, you can get an edge over other applicants. So, make sure you add an impressive cover letter for your next software developer job and get the interview call-back you’ve been waiting for

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