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SAS Interview Questions And Answers

Statistical Analysis Software, or SAS, is a statistical software suite used for business intelligence, data management, advanced analytics, multivariate analysis, criminal investigation, and predictive analytics. Many new statistical procedures and components were added in SAS in the Eighties and Nineties as part of continuous development and enhancement. This was initially developed by the North Carolina State University and eventually released in 1976 with the formation of a new organization called SAS Institute – that has become the world’s largest independent software vendor in recent years.

SAS remains a frontrunner in the choice among many organizations in India for its many standout features such as security and advanced analysis. 3000+ open positions for candidates with SAS skills further prove the growing demand in Indian companies. A variety of topics are asked as SAS interview questions to the job seekers to check their SAS expertise before selecting them.

SAS is a Command-driven software package. People who know SQL can easily learn and work on this tool for Data Analysis. SAS data integration is a tool to extract data from multiple sources and rapidly convert it into useful information. It also boasts of a large online community that provides users with a forum to post their questions, provide solutions and connect with other SAS users.

This set of SAS interview questions provide a complete background into SAS, and can be used as a preparation base for analyst interview questions and SAP fico questions for job interviews that require SAS skills, including SAS data integration.

Tricky SAS interview questions

1) What is the SUBSTR function? 

Commonly pronounced as a sub-string, the SUBSTR data step function is used to work within a defined character variable with a specific position or position of characters. 

It works in the same way as Microsoft Excel’s MID function. 

2) How will you explain the TRANSLATE function? 

Every user-supplied character to another character in SAS data is done via the TRANSLATE function of the SAS Program. 

3) What is the use of the COMPBL  function? 

COMPBL function is used when a user wants to get a single blank by converting two or more blanks from a character string.

4) What is the difference between the COUNT and COUNTW functions? 

In a specified character string, for a particular substring, the COUNT function counts the number of times it appears, while the COUNTW function counts the number of words. 

5) What is the use of the FIND function? 

Within a string, the FIND function locates a substring. 

This is a frequently asked SAS interview question.

6) Explain the PRXMATCH function. 

PRXMATCH function is used for pattern matching. It searches for the pattern in a string and returns the location where it is found.

7) What is the use of the function SCAN in a SAS program? 

Within a value, the SCAN function in a SAS program extracts words marked by a delimiter. 

8) What is the use of the INDEX function? 

INDEX function is used to find a character or a pattern in a specified string of characters and returns the position in the string where the first character in the searched pattern is found.

9) Explain the LEFT function in a SAS program? 

The LEFT function moves the leading blank to the end of the value without changing the length of the string. 

Key features and components of SAS are as crucial as its functions. Therefore, having a good knowledge of these features and components will help you in cracking SAS interviews.

Here are some example SAS Interview Questions that focus on features and components:

10) What are the key features of the SAS system? 

  • Strong Data Analysis Ability
  • Report Output Format
  • SAS Studio
  • Management
  • Data Management Algorithm
  • Flexible fourth-generation language of programming

 11) What are the main components of SAS? 

  • SAS/GRAPH – Graphics and presentation
  • SAS/OR – Operations research
  • SAS/IML – Interactive matrix language
  • SAS/AF – Applications facility
  • SAS/QC – Quality control
  • SAS/INSIGHT – Data mining
  • SAS/PH – Clinical trial analysis
  • Enterprise Miner – data mining

There are two functions of a statement, first, it requests SAS to operate and second, it gives information to the system.

While writing or reading a SAS program you must know the uses of different statements in the program and their syntax. These concepts are essential for SAS data integration and topics have been commonly asked in sap fico questions.

12) Explain the VAR statement in a SAS program. 

The analysis variables and their order in the output are identified by the VAR statement.  

This is a frequently asked SAS interview question. 

13) What is the use of the WHERE statement

Before merging the data sets, the subset condition is applied by the WHERE statement. WHERE is not used if the INPUT statement is reading the “raw” files. 

14) What is the function of the LABEL statement? 

This is also one of the very common SAS Interview questions. LABEL permanently associates labels with variables. A user can create a variable label by using the LABEL keyword followed by the variable name (to which label is assigned), an equal sign and desired label. 

15) Elucidate the RUN function. 

When a user wants to specify a command line for the operating system to execute, the RUN is used. It is also used to make the SAS log readable by creating a step boundary.

This is a frequently asked SAS interview question. 

16) What is the meaning of the OUTPUT statement in a SAS program? 

OUTPUT Statement in a SAS program directs the current observation to a data set.

17) What is the use of the Libname Statement? 

If a user wants to create a SAS library, a Libname statement is used. 

18) Explain Input and Data lines statement.

For creating a SAS data set with specified content, INPUT and Data lines statements are used. 

19) What is an Infile statement in a SAS program? 

Statement of Infile is used for reading in an external data file. 

20) How will you explain an If-then statement in a SAS program? 

An If-then statement sets a conditional statement to execute the different functions. 

21) Elucidate Merge statement. 

For merging multiple datasets into one, the statement of Merge is used in a SAS program. 

22) What is the function of the Set statement in a SAS program? 

If a user wants to copy the contents from one dataset into another, this t is used. This is often asked and should be included in an applicant’s list of SAS interview questions.

Procedures in a SAS program

Organizations often like to test the candidates in a few procedural topics and hence it is imperative to include these in SAS interview questions while preparing. 

To carry out all forms of statistical analysis SAS procedures are used with the keyword “PROC”. 

23) How will you explain the PROC SORT of the SAS program? 

In SAS Programs PROC SORT is used to sort a dataset. 

24) What is the use of PROC Transpose? 

For converting rows into columns in a dataset, PROC Transpose is used. 

25) Explain the function of PROC Reg. 

The function of PROC Reg is to perform a regression analysis in a data set. 

26) How will you explain PROC Glem? 

General linear modelling is performed by PROC Glem. 

27) What is the function of PROC Print in a data set? 

In a SAS program, PROC Print is used for printing the content of the data set.

28) Explain PROC Report. 

PROC Report is used for creating a report from the data set.

29) Name the purpose of Proc Freq? 

To compute the percentage of a variable and frequency count, PROC Freq is used. 

30) Elucidate Proc Means. 

In a SAS program, PROC Means for computing summary statistics such as mean, standard deviation and median. 

Uses of different functions, procedures in a SAS program

SAS Interview questions also include knowledge checks about the uses of functions, procedures and statements. Some analyst interview questions also contain these topics.

31) Name the use of Proc GChart? 

A pie chart or histogram is created via PROC GChart. 

32) How would you explain Proc Gplot? 

PROC Gplot is used for plotting graphs in a SAS program. 

33) Elaborate on the use of the BDMP Procedure in the SAS system? 

BMDP procedure is used to analyze SAS data sets. The program is written by invoking this procedure. 

34) Describe the ALTER= Data Set option?

Alter= Data set option enables users to access the read-and write-protected file. It prevents the user from replacing or deleting the file. This is among one of the most frequently asked SAS interview questions.

35) Elucidate Debugging. 

For this SAS interview question you could answer; An easier, interactive way to identify logic errors, and sometimes data errors, in DATA steps in a SAS Program, is Debugging. This process could cause the programmer to spend less time and effort locating the problem. 

36) Define CALL MISSING Routine. 

In the argument list, it gives a character missing value to the variable of each character. The current length is not changed if the character variable is equal to the maximum length. 

37) What is the largest dataset size in SAS?

The largest dataset size in a SAS program is up to 32,767 variables for a dataset in SAS. A candidate preparing for SAS interviews should have this listed in the list of SAS interview questions.

38) How are the special characters in a SAS program defined? 

Special characters in a SAS program are defined as character data types only. 

39) Within a Do Loop how will you specify the condition? 

Do while and Do until options are used for specifying conditions in a SAS program. 

40) Name a few functions that are frequently used in a SAS program?

The functions are Trim, tranwrd, Scan, Sum, Substr, Catx, Index, Find, are some frequently used functions in a SAS program. SAP fico questions also contain this topic.

41)  To the target variable, What is the maximum length that can be assigned via scan function?

200 is the maximum length assigned to the target variable. 

42) How can you delete duplicate values?

This is an important SAS interview question. PROC SQL command is used for deleting duplicate values in a dataset. Firstly the PROC SQL scans each statement for syntax errors. Then SQL query is decided that is expected to execute in SAS. After the calculations are performed, the final table is created. In the end, it is sent to the OUTPUT table.

SAS Interview questions that have multi-part answers are also being asked these days due to increased competition among organizations in a bid to hire the best talent available.

43) What is the use of the end = data set option in SAS?

End = data set option reads the end value from the dataset that is not sorted to appear in the new data set. 

44) How can you access data from an external data file in SAS?

For this SAS interview question you could answer by saying; Only observations are considered while accessing data from an external file. If the user wants to use variables again, the user has to declare them again. 

45) How can data be taken in SAS from an existing dataset ?

By using the SET statement, a user can access data from the existing dataset. From one observation to another values of variables are retained. 

46) If in a dataset the given variables are a b & c. How will you rename a b to e & f?

Quick programming assignments are also part of the SAS interview questions and analyst interview questions that are asked to candidates seeking a SAS job. Job seekers are recommended to prepare for these, hence. For this particular question, the answer is as follows:

By using the following code we can rename a b to e f: 

data concat(rename=(a=e b=f));

set concat;


47)Explain the CROSSLIST option in the TABLES statement?

To display crosstabulation tables in ODS column format, the CROSSLIST option is used. 

48)How to specify variables to be processed by the FREQ procedure?

By using the TABLES Statement user can specify variables to be processed by the FREQ procedures. 

49)Name some default statistics for means procedure? 

Some means procedure is n-count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum. 

50) Where do you use PROC MEANS over PROC FREQ? 

PROC MEANS is used for numeric variables whereas PROC FREQ is used for categorical variables. 

These top 50 SAS interview questions would help you during your interview. Other than this you must make sure to read up on the background of the company that you are going to for an interview.

More Resources : SQL interview questions for data analyst fresher | Hibernate Interview Questions for freshers | 25 Functional Testing Interview Question and Answers | Basic JUnit Interview Questions and answers

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