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Work Life Balance – Do you own your work or does your work own you

Work Life Balance

Whether you relate to the above scenario or not but there’s no denying the fact that we all need some space and time for family and friends. Work, no doubt, is an integral part of our lives but there is always need for a balance between work and our personal life. Yes, #WorkLifeBalance is important and if given a choice 78% would like to be segmentors and not blenders, says our new research that surveyed close to 2000 working professionals in India.

Segmentors are people who clearly define boundaries between their work and personal lives while blenders are people who blur the lines between work and home and easily navigate their way between the two.

The survey explored sentiments of working professionals to find out what aspects of work-life balance are most valued by them.


Highlights of the Monster #WorkLifeBalance Research

  • About 50% in a relationship, confessed that the lack of work-life balance makes them or their partners irritable and ill-tempered
  • As opposed to the belief that technology is a facilitator, one-third of the young professionals surveyed find technology a hindrance in managing work and family commitments
  • 60% of respondents spend one to two hours to travel to work; about 70% respondents would like to work from home to avoid the daily commute

Findings of the research have been depicted in an interesting and easy to understand infographic – click here to view.

Monster #WorkLifeBalance Campaign

Monster in India has launched the #WorkLifeBalance campaign to highlight the importance of prioritizing a modern approach to work and encouraging employers to implement policies that promote wholesome, complete and harmonious life.


For more videos of the Work-Life Balance, series click here.

Moreover, the idea is to encourage job seekers like you to Find Better Jobs, Faster and go for the jobs that help you manage your work and personal lives in a more efficient manner. Search jobs here.

Want to find out if you are a workaholic or not, click here. There’s more to inspire you and help you manage your work efficiently in order to lead a fulfilling life.

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